Friday, December 4, 2009

Is there anything you want so damn bad you would be willing to work for it?

every body says they want stuff in thier life but who really goes after it with the determination and focus of a hungry immigrant or an olympic athlete in training?

do you just say you want stuff ? and life isn't fair and life is tough?

or do you give up what there is to give up, and work like a kook to get it?

you say you want a boyfriend or a girlfriend ...but would you be willing to live a healthy lifestyle, love yourself, put your life on track and go out and actually meet people like your life depended on it or are you all talk worry and upset and soap opera longing?

Is there anything you want so damn bad you would be willing to work for it?passions soap opera

why bother?

Is there anything you want so damn bad you would be willing to work for it?mr messed up opera theater

i've done everything, i've gotten in shape, i've changed my outlook on life, but i'm still shy. It's part of my personality.. it's WHO i am. I really like HIM, which is why i've only reacently gotten up the nerve to suggest we hang out. But it's harder for me than other girls..

i guess you're a product of your environment. it's not something i can help.
whining and complaining doesn't get you is for living and the only way to get what you want is to work hard and look for the right opportunities....if you trip and fall, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back at it.....
Well said. I find that I'm often in need of that sort of advice when I get down on myself for failing to take care of things in my life. When I wise up and listen to that advice, good things happen. I am more successful in my job, have better relationships with friends, etc...

Sometimes when we have a generally good life with most things coming easily, we lose sight of that instinct to fight for things we want that do not come as easily. It is like feeding the animals on the African safari. They lose their natural instincts to hunt when food is continuously provided.

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