Thursday, December 10, 2009

Do you believe you have to go to church to be?

a believer of god I am so tiard of commercialized religion ...I met my husband and married at the age of 17 he was a devout petacostal from kentucky and he was destined to be a minister he studied and studied we were involved in a church for a long time and we just started to see the clicks it was like a soap opera in there all most of them on their alters looking down at you especially if you were not up to there economic standards ..they were too judgemental and many that we went to there after were the husband gave up it put a terrible taste in his mouth and really derailled his confidence in religion..but I know that when he is in the glory that he gets he is so much happier he is on fire and confident he needs god back in his life ,but not the comercialized characature of GOD..and me I just want him to be happy and my family to get back to its roots ..but do we have to go to church to do that?

Do you believe you have to go to church to be?home theatre

Does a person have to go to church to be a good Christian? Realistically going to church makes a person a Christian about as much as standing in the garage makes a person a car.

Now I will say, that if a person finds a good church with good people in it, going to church really does help build up and strengthen the our sprit. If you are feeling like it would be good to go to church, go to several as obviously some are more solidly grounded in the true faith than others. However, it is also important to remember no person nor church is perfect.

Unfortunately there are a lot of people that forget or perhaps were never taught what it is to be a true Christian or follower of Christ.

For all Christians Are Ministers/Teachers in the Body of Christ. By that I don’t mean standing up and lecturing or knocking on doors or doing so many of the things people think is required to be a good Christian spreading the word and trying to convert everyone they see. People around us watch and learn by our very actions, how we act, how we respond to situations, simply how we live our life. As Christians are we doing what is right or do we slide and do something else? Believe it our not, our day to day actions (not our words but our actions) really is the only teaching of the bible and exposure to Our Creator some people will have ever experienced.

Your comment about the way some “church people” are reminded me of several old jokes about how we sometimes forget how our actions really do affect what people think of the Christian faith and about us in general. I hope no one will object to me putting one of them here:


An honest man was being tailgated by a stressed-out woman on a busy boulevard. Suddenly, the light turned yellow, just in front of him. He did the right thing, stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have beaten the red light by accelerating through the intersection.

The tailgating woman hit the roof, and the horn, screaming in frustration as she missed her chance to get through the intersection with him.

As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer.

The officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up. He took her to the police station where she was searched, fingerprinted, photographed, and placed in a cell.

After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects.

He said, "I'm very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping the guy off in front of you, and cussing a blue streak at him.

I noticed the 'Choose Life' license plate holder, the ‘What Would Jesus Do’ bumper sticker, the 'Follow Me to Sunday School' bumper sticker, and the chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk. Naturally, I assumed you had stolen the car."


However back to the issue of going to church or not if you can find a church in your area that has a good solid biblical foundation it really does help to build our spiritual strength. And it helps to make sure we stay on the proper track if we have others around us that are also following the True ways of Our Creator. For when we study totally alone and don’t listen to anyone it is easy for The Devil to whisper in our ears and get us to interpret the bible out of context and use it to justify things that are just not right. And that includes pastors and church leadership, which is one of the reasons why so many once good churches have crumbled. (When we start being so prideful that we believe we are always right and being blind to what we are really doing.)

However these days so many churches are so commercial that finding one that truly has a spiritual foundation is sometimes difficult. But good churches do exist.

Much like finding truly good and honest people, there are some in the world, but they are few and far between.

However, ultimately when it comes to the ways of people, churches, religion and God:

Never confuse the practices of the people with the church,

Never confuse the practices of the church with religion,

And Never Ever confuse the practices of religion with God.

May Our Creator watch over you and your family.

Do you believe you have to go to church to be?ballet theater opera theater

No, I dont
No you don't
You don't have to go to church to do that.

If you believe that God will help you, of course he will.

He loves you and what you need to do, will be done.

You don't have to attend a weekly mass to show someone that you love them, just love them.

Thats all that matters.
no you just have to pray and read the bible. God can come into your home and family any where as you say many churches have lost the truth.
By accusing churchgoers of being judgemental, aren't you in fact being judgemental of them? They are sinners and human, just like you. You should not shun other believers. God wants you to love your fellow brothers in Christ.
I dont think so, the church has turned into a place of business. But being around those with a strong religious backround is important when you want to stay on track. No you dont have to go to church, but you do have to worship THE ONE GOD everyday, and research and study your religion and mainly befriend people going your same route, but i'm not a christian though, muslim.
you don't HAVE to go, but make sure to keep praying and reading scripture.

but, the bible does say that the sabbath is the one day where God wants people to come together and worship, receive Eucharist, pray and sing together.
When you are called by God to the ministry you will never be at peace until you surrender to the call. I agree religion has become more of a business than true worship. I know when you are hurt it's hard to stand up BUT STAND YOU MUST! God was showing you what he sees in the church, how can you be effective unless you see? Take a step at a time ask God to heal the wounds, I will be praying for you sweety.
Maybe he should start his own church and place in order that no commercialization allowed. The devil was making him see the bad. I went through the same thing. I studied the Bible for three years, REHMA Bible College, A Kennith Hagin Ministries organization. I seen a lot of wrong, but people are reluctant to face it. You can't point it out, you make to may enemies. You just pray that God will bring them to light. He will.
no i don't think you must attend a church to be a believer. i believe that a believer would want to find a good church eventually though. there are many people who get lost . it's difficult to serve and to work in a church. really it is a position that only a mature christian should be considered for. unfortunately, there are not enough christians to step up and do the job, and younger christians (growth level) do the work. accept that the folks that did not treat you right / were forgiven (that does not mean perfect ) people. they made some mistakes . ask god to help you forget and forgive all that. go back to some churches and visit. christmas is coming. it would be the perfect time to try a new church. good luck and happy holidays.
You don't have to go to church to be saved. Tyhe purpose of church is to fellowship with others...fopr strenght, prayer, support each other and "this new commandment I give you, that you love one another as I have loved you."

God knows isolating yourself is what the devil wants to attack you. That's why there is power in agreement when you pray. That's why God says "where two or three are gathered in my name I am there."

Of course people get all tied up in the "rules" of good living and stuff. That's just how people are. Do your best to ignore it.
There is NO way that church is essential to believe in God.

Every person is different with God, and I see the church as just another way of connecting with him. If it doesn't suit you, then finding something else that does is completely fine.

Personally, I get no joy out of church and have found better ways of connecting with God.
One of human's need is... to belong,.. to be accepted.

I am Asian, the church i go to is all-white. Although i feel the sincerity of some of them, i can still feel that i am not totally a 100% accepted by all of them. Apart from the color of my skin, i view myself equal with anyone. I have my education, i have my degree, i have my religion, i have my faith. I can either be worst or better than anyone at any matter. I remember when we had to sing a different kind of song during mass, then most of the elders were like, "that's too Gospel,..." then we have to adjust the beat to accomodate their request (or complaints). I don't think they're bad, i think they just have grown accustomed to how things were done before and until now (these are like 50 to 60 year old ladies). Anyway i still go to this church.

Being a Christian doesn't mean that you will be provided with a situation that you are easily suited in. that you are easily accepted in, that you can easily be comfortable with. Being a Christian means to go that extra mile, to give that extra smile, to broaden your mind, to extend your arms and surrender it all... It is hard to love these people, but God didn't call on me to live the easy life,... He called on me to take the cross and follow His path,... even though it's hard,... I will move,.. i will push through,... i will break barriers,... nothing is impossible,.. with God, in Christ.

We go to Chruch not because of the people in the Church but because we love God.
Jesus said, " Narrow is the path to righteous, and only a few will even find it. "

God be with you,

William, a bond-servant of Jesus

You don't have to go to church to seek the spirit because you are the temple. It does help to meet with other believers to encourage each other.

I am with you when it comes to having trouble with how judgmental things can get especially in a charismatic church. I have been thinking about the same kinds of things. Maybe a small meeting at your house to just give you and your hubby some bearing.

I know what its like to get your hope and your faith so shaken that it feels like it was all a bad fairy tail. The first churches were just little gatherings of people meeting at their homes helping praying and encouraging each other in their faith and sharing all things in common. Since you both know your bible pretty well then there isn't really any other ideas I can give you.

Just know you are not alone in your feelings. The church as an organized entity is failing miserably in the real world lives of many people. it doesn't even resemble the original church of the new testament.

Is it possible your husbands call to the ministry is a call back to the basics.
Dear Hieattho

I go to church regular, and your symptoms of clicks and politics in church, is quite the norm

Even in the first church, Peter fell out with Paul

and in his letters he mentioned fractions in the early church

of divisions

In my church' we have different [forgive me] gangs

its because, we are fully human with all the idiosyncrasies that makes us what we are.

But the main goal is' Christ

all other is immaterial, goodluck my dear x

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